Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Brown Sugar Baked Salmon

    So I have given up cheese for Lent- this is a very hard thing for an Italian, because I am also in turn having to give up on food treasures like pasta and pizza, among other delicious cheesy things. I feel like I could be a better Catholic the rest of the year, so I try to take the season of Lent very seriously. 

That means, until Easter, no cheesy temptations on the blog (meaning I have to put off making my french onion soup, which is simply divine). But as it's Friday, and I can't have red meat (gave that up last year for Lent), I made this salmon over rice for lunch. Besides the salmon, it is likely you will have soy sauce and brown sugar lying around your pantry and it only takes a bit of foil and 15 minutes. Piece of cake.

Also side note- if you put marshmallows in your brown sugar, it keeps the sugar soft and not too clumpy.
Simple Ingredients
Smother in sugar and soy sauce
Bake that shiz
Poof- it's done
The Single Serving!

Brown Sugar Baked Salmon Recipe:
    1 1/2 tbs, soy sauce
    2 tbs, brown sugar
    1 filet, salmon

     How To-
Put oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Place salmon inside a foil sheet and coat it in brown sugar. Drizzle the soy sauce so the sugar absorbs it. Wrap in the foil so the sauce cannot escape and place in oven for 15-17 minutes, depending on how crisp you like it. Simple as that!


I took this for lunch, as evidenced by the last photo.  It smelled and tasted so good when I pulled it out of the oven, but the microwave reheating didn't do it any favors. Really great quick meal, but I would recommend eating it while it is hot the first time.

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